I love this picture--it looks like you're actually standing on the beach behind Riley Kate when you look at it!

We just returned from a fabulous vacation in Destin, Florida! I love Destin, and in my family, it has been a tradition to go every year! My parents honeymooned in Panama City, FL, so every year they have gone back, even with kids, and who can blame them--it is sooo wonderful! Jason and I honeymooned in Tahiti and Bora Bora, and I have to say I love the Destin beaches better!
Way too many pictures, I know, but I just went crazy with the camera! This is only some of the pictures that we loved!

Grayton loved the beach and the ocean-he constantly wanted someone to "ride the waves" with him! He had such a blast! Riley Kate loved the sand and the beach, but did not care for the ocean too much! When we took her out there and tried to put her in the ocean, she would scream! However, she did adore the sand-several times I caught her shoveling it on her head and in her bathing suit--not good places for sand to be!

Eating--a favorite past time in the Scarbrough household! We took the kids to Pompano Joe's on the beach because it looked kid friendly--we really enjoyed it and so did the kids!

Grayton and Riley Kate just couldn't get enough of the sand--it wasn't a problem though, thanks to the baby powder trick!

Brother loves to swim and he is like a little fish! Of course we had to go to the pool every day, which was kind of aggrevating considering we have one in our backyard! Grayton liked it though because he could swim better in it than the ocean, and he said the pool didn't have any "crabs or jellyfish!" How can you argue with that?

Dancing at the Red Bar, on of our most favorite restaurants! I highly recommend it to anyone! FUN-FUN-FUN and excellent food! And we always like to go back and visit Grayton Beach every year since we were married there!

Grampy and Nette went with us, and of course Grampy was sooo much fun on the beach--the kids had a blast with him and Nette! Grampy loves the ocean, so Grayton, Jason, and Grampy stayed in the ocean most of the time.

Sweet sister had so much fun chasing the birds, seagulls, up and down the beach! She and brother played in the sand and loved it! When brother would go out in the ocean, she would just stand there and watch him, waiting for him to come back and play!

Some pics of the fam on the beach--just like we do every year!

Red Bar again! It was just soooo fabulous, we decided to go back again! We also went to the Ocean Club and the Marina Cafe--both delicious, but the Ocean Club was not as good as it used to be! Marina Cafe wins #1 with the Red Bar coming in at a close #2.

Just some black and white pics--so sweet! I just love taking pictures of my sweet babies!
Hey! I love all the pics. My favorite are of all of you on the beach in your nice clothes! Too cute. Love, Alli
Hey Rachel! I don't know if you'll remember me, but I just found you're blog through Allison, who I found on Facebook through Emily Stillions...Shannon Harvey - Richard, my husband was the youth minister at Oakhurst when you were about 8th-9th grade. I just wanted to say Hi and tell you your family is absolutely BEAUTIFUL! I love your blog! Also, congratulations on your graduation in July! I know that has to feel really good!
I would love to hear from you! My blog is: www.myblondeboys.blogspot.com
You won't recognize Justus, he is 15/almost 16 now. I also have 2 more boys, Graham 5 and Wesley 3. You'll probably think they remind you alot of the way you remember Justus. Anyway, stop by and let me hear from you! :)
God Bless,
Shannon Harvey
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