Monday, February 15, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

Brother, Sister, and BIG prego Mom!!

My favorite Valentines of all time-can't wait for baby #3 to join us!!

For Valentine's Day this year we went to the brunch at Tunica National, and it was so good! Everyone had fun, especially the kids! As you can see, we had to go out on the golf course, so they could play in the sand pit!! I'm sure you're not supposed to do that, but no one was playing golf, so no harm done!!

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After the birth of Grayton, Jason and I began running and became highly addicted!! I soon made my first jogging stroller purchase, The Tike Tech all terrain single jogger. It was wonderful until I needed another seat for Riley Kate. I got this Dreamer Design off of ebay, and I love it! I call it my freedom and my sanity because I can load up the kids and go running whenever I feel like it! The kids love to stroll. They usually ask to go. We have run several races just for fun--Delta Jubilee 5K, Juke Joint Festival 5K, St. Jude 1/2 Marathon, Double Decker 10K, 300 Oaks 10K, etc. We love to run and if there is a race we can make it to, we'll run it!! We are running about 4 to 5 miles a day now with long runs of 7 to 12 miles on the weekends!


Since Grayton's 1st birthday, I have ventured out a bit and started baking and creating my kid's birthday cakes each year. Also, I am the homeroom mother for Grayton's class, so I am trying to get creative with my baking. I am not very good at it, but it is so much fun!! If anyone has any new cute ideas, share them with me.